Tuesday, October 18, 2011


What a Film!!! Vivaciously Violent, Dangerously Dreamlike, Sintilatingly Stunning. Ryan Gosling Take a Bow!! Criminally Cool, Beautifully Brilliant and Devishly Debonair. Drive is Sensational Edge-Of-Your-Seat Tension With A Heart Pounding Soundtrack To Match.

Be your preference cool, sophisticated shooting of a film, or the heart pumping action with a cutting soundtrack to compliment it, this is a ffilm for you! Ryan Gosling surpasses himself once more, when will this guy stop for one second and let us all catch up with how truly sensational he is.

For me Gosling has made his mark on the film world and, in  my humble opinion, can safely seat himself in behind Leo Di Caprio as the current second best actor working at the moment. Given the right scripts and directors to work with, Ryan could stake his claim for top spot within the next 5 years, a shoe in for an Oscar in that time, Gosling is a film God and on his way to Legend status.

But it is not all about Gosling, although the film see's little of it's other characters. The thread that weaves this beautiful indie film together is the exciting shooting by the exciting, but little known director Nicholas Winding Refn.

Few may suggest this film to be slow and overrated, but few may be idiotic, this film oozes all kinds of cool and does everything in its power to leave your heart racing and a grin on your face as you leave your seats.

A Must See For All Film Fans!


Without any shadow of a doubt i was completely, and utterly shocked by my sheer love for this film. The trailer simply does no justice to this masculine masterpiece. Any expectations i had as i walked into the screen to sit through this brute of a film, were simply blown away by the acting, directing and plotting of this piece of cinema magic.

When will Tom Hardy cease to impress us? Little could have asked from him for this film, meerly to act tough, keep schtum, and give some grisly stares, but his acting in this will leave you speechless, the looks he puts across, the emotion he transfers to you leaves you perched, tilting, on the very edge of your seat.

It has its moments when the Hollywood factor sets in, however, these can be shrugged off by a touching and emotive storyline giving a solid backbone to the film. The small pieces of cheesiness and flash scenes do little to take away from a brilliant cinema experience. A must-see on the big screen, DVD will simply not do jsutice to this massive hit!

Unfortunately for Hardy it doesn't quite live up to the 'Fighter's' big name, and it would be a huge shock if any oscar nods were given, but don't let that take anythign away from what has turned out to be a massive hit not only with men, but any females who feel they need a little pure muscle and testosterone in their world!

Freinds With Benefits

Freinds With Benefits

The Rom-Com has finally been revitalised!! Until The Kunis-Timberlake chemistry hit the big screen it all seemed so bleak for the Rom-Com! Long gone were the days of Bridget Jones and Love Actually with recent additions to the genre such as 'Love Eat Pray', 'The Bounty Hunter' and 'Sex and the City' having dragged the once great tradition down to depths of box office death.

Gliding along with the hilarity of 'No Strings Attached', 'Friends With Benefits' latches on to an almost identical comedy feel. Where it furthers upon Kutcher's latest attempt is the fact it leaves you thoroughly impressed and with a warm feeling inside at the end.

Not only does it modernise the Rom-Com, doing away with the same-same Hollywood cheese-fest; boy meets girl, they fall in love, they fall out of love, they make up, they marry, the end. It also has a touching storyline throughout showing the struggles of two troubled families, which has led to the issues our protagonists face in the romance department.

Friends With Benefits is a win all around, for men it has the beautiful body of Mila Kunis being flaunted around with little more than underwear on, and the hilarious one-liners of the infamous Woody Harrelson to maintain the manly factor (albeit if he plays a brilliantly camp gay Sports Editor at GQ magazine). And for women? What more can you ask for if not the slushy romance, the chizzeled Justin Timberlake, and the famous love scenes of New York City.

This one, my friends, is most definitely a must-see, no matter what gender, what age, what sexuality, you will be happy you let yourself back into the rom-com genre with this well shot, well wrote film.

Welcome One And All To The Blog Event Of The Year.....

For some time now I have been obsessedd with all things cinematic, films, some would say, rule my world, and so, instead of boring people on Facebook, I have chosen to use the great world of Blogspot to let you all know my feelings of the film I watch, and maybe, just maybe help you guys decide which are ones are a must see, and which ones are best to dodge!!!

So enjoy the Readable, Relatable Reviews I post. Let me know your opinions, and feelings about either the reviews or the films themselves, and hey, lets rock the Blogspot world!