Tuesday, October 18, 2011


What a Film!!! Vivaciously Violent, Dangerously Dreamlike, Sintilatingly Stunning. Ryan Gosling Take a Bow!! Criminally Cool, Beautifully Brilliant and Devishly Debonair. Drive is Sensational Edge-Of-Your-Seat Tension With A Heart Pounding Soundtrack To Match.

Be your preference cool, sophisticated shooting of a film, or the heart pumping action with a cutting soundtrack to compliment it, this is a ffilm for you! Ryan Gosling surpasses himself once more, when will this guy stop for one second and let us all catch up with how truly sensational he is.

For me Gosling has made his mark on the film world and, in  my humble opinion, can safely seat himself in behind Leo Di Caprio as the current second best actor working at the moment. Given the right scripts and directors to work with, Ryan could stake his claim for top spot within the next 5 years, a shoe in for an Oscar in that time, Gosling is a film God and on his way to Legend status.

But it is not all about Gosling, although the film see's little of it's other characters. The thread that weaves this beautiful indie film together is the exciting shooting by the exciting, but little known director Nicholas Winding Refn.

Few may suggest this film to be slow and overrated, but few may be idiotic, this film oozes all kinds of cool and does everything in its power to leave your heart racing and a grin on your face as you leave your seats.

A Must See For All Film Fans!

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